Velson Builders and Developers

Where we build

We are dedicated to building high quality investment properties and homes in desirable areas, ensuring all Australians have the opportunity to live and invest in sought-after locations with ample amenities, great liveability and most importantly, at an affordable price.

We concentrate our building and development in areas that we know well and have repeatedly given proven results

These areas include the Local Government Areas (LGA) of:

  • South Western Sydney
  • Wollondilly (Thirlmere / Tahmoor / Picton)
  • Wingecarribee (Mittagong / Braemar / Renwick)
  • Newcastle / Cessnock (North Rothbury / Greta / Aberglasslyn)
  • Maitland 
  • Young 

Over the years we’ve expanded our expertise to include familiarity with council
requirements across all relevant local government areas, giving us extensive experience in a range of physical and regulatory landscapes. Unlike many other house builders, we can provide accurate, expert advice on the development approval process in every area. In doing so, we guarantee a smooth home building process from the minute you select your space for the house until the moment you move in.


Some of our recent projects include dual occupancies, house & granny flat options and House & Land Packages for residential buyers and investors.

Build on your block

Quite often, buyers come to us with their own block of land and we can design a property to suit. Our architects have plenty of house designs from which to choose, and they can all be adapted to suit your needs and specifications.

House and land packages

We have house and land packages in multiple areas from which to choose, and our sales staff are here to help you make your personal choice.

Ready built homes

We regularly source our own land by negotiating, prior to release, with a developer, land owner or by carrying out our own subdivisions. All of our homes are turn-key properties. Just take your key and move right in, stress-free. Nothing else to spend and no hidden costs.

Contact Velson to discuss your next development project.